Shared-Input Customs Clearance Program

Corporate Customs Broker License # 14423


If you are not in need of the full services of your Customs Broker, a significantly reduced clearance fee - normally 20%-30% is possible!

     Trained importers can assume many of the clearance preparation functions that were previously delegated to their Customs Broker.  H.C. Bennett Company Importer of Record Training prepares you to assume many preparation functions.  Using your Customs broker in a purely  clerical or expeditor role results in the significantly reduced clearance fee.  Where YOUR present Customs broker doesn't offer a clerical / expeditor clearance only service, we can provide one.  Measured performance standards must be met by our affiliates.

Furnish the clerical / expeditor clearance broker this information on the shipment:

Letter of Transmittal:

  • Importer of record & IRS #

  • Ultimate Consignee (& IRS #, if importer of record is foreign)

  • Complete delivery instructions (carrier, destination, terms, particulars)

  • Duty & user fees to be paid DIRECT to CBP or via ACH


Valuation matters (for each invoice):

  • P.O./ref# 

  • Shipment value

  • Incoterms® of purchase

  • Country of export

  • Country of origin

  • Type of entry (CE, ADD, TIB, etc..)

  • Total invoice shipment weight

  • Prepaid/collect freight charges & marine insurance premium

  • Additions to invoice

  • Deductions from invoice

  • Correlating B/L (s)


Classification matters...Show for each classification & identity on invoices:

  • HTS#

  • Value of HTS

  • Gross weight of HTS

  • Reporting quantity (s) of HTS

  • Country of origin of HTS

  • Binding ruling/pre-class (if any)

  • MID code for item's supplier

  • FDA product code builder (if required)



  • Negotiable B/L

  • Check to carrier for any collect charges - nothing to be advanced by clearance broker

  • Invoice

  • Back up documents, as needed

    Other Government Agencies to file: FDA, F&W, USDA, etc...

    Duty to be calculated based on the value and classification furnished


Clerical / Expeditor CB Role Invoice - Typical Fee is a Flat $79.00 regardless of the number of classifications

  • file opening

  • vessel tracking

  • software input

  • delivery order

  • ABI transmission

  • status update

  • Participating Government Agency submission (if required)

  • carrier release

  • document breakdown

= Significantly Reduced Clearance Fee - often 20% - 30%!

Training ...Individualized for International Trade Ops

Operation Tools  ... for Import/Export Ops

Trade Manager... IOR/ Export Management